
     One way or another, we affect each other. “That there are no random acts. That we are connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” To me, this means that everything happens for a reason. Every small action can lead to other actions, microscopic or major, while our minds give no attention to that. These actions can create networks of connections between everybody which may make one believe that they should be mindful of how they act. But it would be smart to think that way because the slightest move can cause a person’s world to fall apart. It may even cause the whole world to fall apart. 

   Today, humans do not think about their surroundings and the way they act. The output of this could potentially be bad. It is like the blind shooting a bullet. They do not know where they are aiming at, and they do not know where the bullet will hit. What is best for us is if we began to pay more attention to what we do. It is understanding that there are things we cannot control, but we can still prevent those things that are possible to prevent. We can prevent a classmate from going home sad like the previous days. We can prevent an adult from giving up on their dreams.  As we go on everyday, it is brighter to give a small amount of consideration on how we behave.